SSH server upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04
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The ssh-linux servers ssh-linux4, ssh-linux5, ssh-linux7, and ssh-linux8, which are running Debian 6, are scheduled to be replaced.
Notable changes
- The new server pool is called
- Operating system is Ubuntu 14.04 rather than Debian 6.
- Expanded list of installed software packages. (If any Ubuntu package that you want to use is not installed, please file a request.)
- MATLAB version is R2014a; versions R2008b and R2013b have been dropped.
- Hosted on virtual servers in the University Data Centre for better performance and reliability.
- The Debian Subversion client (version 1.6.12) cannot access repositories created with the Subversion client on Ubuntu (version 1.8.8).
Upgrade plan
- As of now, you can start using the new servers by using as the server hostname (instead of or
- As part of the ECE Storage Migration, all ssh-linux servers (both Debian and Ubuntu) will be rebooted the night of August 22. After the reboot, ssh-linux will point to the new Ubuntu servers. You will still be able to connect to ssh-linux4, ssh-linux5, ssh-linux7, or ssh-linux8 explicitly.
- In a few months, we will shut down the old servers completely. Update 2015-09-14: Following the power outage this weekend, we have decided to leave the old servers permanently shut down, unless there is a specific special need.