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Please select one of the HOWTO collections:
- HOWTOs For Users
- HOWTOs for all users of ECE computing infrastructure
- HOWTOs For Researchers
- HOWTOs for the ECE research community
- HOWTOs For Instructors
- HOWTOs for the ECE teaching community
ECE Information Technology Services
Please select one of the HOWTO collections:
- HOWTOs For Users
- HOWTOs for all users of ECE computing infrastructure
- HOWTOs For Researchers
- HOWTOs for the ECE research community
- HOWTOs For Instructors
- HOWTOs for the ECE teaching community
- Teamviewer outage (Jun 1, 2016)
- Due to widespread reports that unauthorized users have been able to remotely control computers through TeamViewer, we have taken the precaution of blocking TeamViewer on the ECE network.
- SMB server out of memory (Feb 27, 2016)
- The authentication and file server for the UBC_ECE domain started running out of memory around 2016-02-27 11:43. It was restarted at 2016-02-29 02:10.
- Kaiser 3rd floor network outage (Feb 24, 2016)
- Network access via wired Ethernet was not working on much of the Kaiser 3rd floor (resolved).
- Malicious email (Feb 11, 2016)
- If you have received an email with subject "Scan from KM1650" and attachment "=SCAN7318_000.DOC" please do not open it. The attachment contains a trojan.
- Change to access to IEEExplore from off-campus
- Please be aware that the Library no longer provides access to IEEExplore through myVPN. Off-campus users should now use EZproxy instead: Please note that access through EZproxy is available only to current UBC students, staff, and faculty.